Raising leaders who lead others

to further the Kingdom of God.

Live Loved = Change Lives

"Awaken Ministries has made me understand kingdom culture to a level that I always wanted but didn't know how to get or create on my own. Now I am apart of a community of like minded believers going after Jesus with all that we are everyday not just when it's convenient for me."

- Hollie N.

Andy G.

"Awaken Ministries has brought freedom from trying to please God and an understanding of how God really sees me because of this my relationship with Him has never been more real and impactful."

Paige F.

"Awaken Ministries has helped me to step into being transformed by the renewing of my mind... it's not just a verse I quote anymore... it is becoming my new reality in Christ."

Gordon F.

Awaken Ministries has allowed me to experience the love of Christ as I'd never known it before thus contributing to my personal growth and providing a platform for sharing my faith, allowing me an avenue to build meaningful connections with a community of like minded individuals."

Founders of Awaken Ministries  School of Kingdom Culture

Hi, We are the Rileys

We (Andrew & Brittney) founded Awaken Ministries in 2018. When God asked us to give up everything and follow Him in late 2017 we had no idea on how He would choose to use our YES. Since then we have discipled many into the call of God on their lives through intensive discipleship.

Following Jesus always brings persecution but it is always worth it. Living to challenge social norms will bring about kingdom culture change in the lives of individuals that choose to follow Him.

We believe that when one stands all stand.

Acts 2:14